
I'm still working on the Banksia top.  Yes, still.  Today Oliver invited a friend over after soccer so I have managed to have about 3 continuous hours of sewing while he and his friend play and Elliot tries constantly to get in on the action.  3 hours.  That's how long it has taken me to put the damn placket onto this blouse.  Ok, slight exageration, I also put the sleeves in, but I can guarantee that the majority of today's sewing was on the placket and the button holes.
The first mistake I did was to cut the plackets in half. It wasn't until I'd sewn them on (don't worry it was only one seam per side) that I realised (or at least suspected my mistake. So I recut the material and facing. For anyone who has sewn this top there are two methods in the pattern.  I used method 2, which is supposed to be the more traditional, though harder option. It's bit unclear to me how to line everything up at the top but it's done now.  It looks ok if I make sure I'm a metre or so away from people at all times when I wear it they won't know any different.  And the pattern makes the material very forgiving.
Banksia blouse so far
The other mistake I did was with the placing of the button holes.  I can't tell you how many times I measured the spacing out but still got it wrong.  So much for someone who did some maths at University!!  Anyway, I'm going to call that a design feature when the buttons go on. But that won't be today.  I've put this blouse away and I'l hem the bottom and the sleeves and add the buttons another day.  The placket has taken it out of me!
gratuitous photo of liberty binding  

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I cannot wait to see your finished blouse. It is going to be sooo lovely!
